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What is a Better Choice – Modular Kitchen or Custom Made Kitchen?

When you want to design your brand new kitchen in your new home or if kitchen renovation is on your mind, you’ll be probably contemplating as to whether “I need a modular kitchen or custom made kitchen”.
To help you with your decision, we have tried to bring out the differences between a modular kitchen and custom made kitchen. Read on to find out what is a better choice for your home.

Modular Kitchen versus Custom Made Kitchen

Modular Kitchen Vs Custom Made Kitchen
Modular kitchen is certainly a good choice, but there is also this fact that it may not precisely fit in within your existing kitchen and working space. If you encounter this issue, you may perhaps have to cover the gaps with filler pieces.

Width: When it comes to the widths of standard cabinets, it provides a bit more disparity. These days, standard widths of 600mm, 900mm and 1200mm are quite common for modular cabinets.
However, when you opt for custom made kitchen, you can precisely obtain the size which fills space and you can very well place things as per your liking.
Height: In a modular kitchen, you certainly can’t change the heights. Starting from benchtops, kickboards to wall cabinets, everything comes in a standard height to which you’re limited to. Normally, ready-made benchtops come in the standard height of 900mm.
Now, when you go for a custom kitchen, you can make all of these items as per your liking.
Depth: When it comes to the depth of a cabinet’s storage space, in a modular kitchen you’ll get standard depth in the pantries and under benches.
And when you go for a custom kitchen, you can either increase your cabinet’s storage space by making it deeper or you can increase the space of your open floor by decreasing the depth of your cabinets which will give you easy access to each cabinet’s stored items.

Custom Made Kitchen

Adjoining Pieces

No matter, you custom make or install standard sizes, you’ll need to take care about the positioning of components where they can’t easily function jointly in the right way. Take, for example, while a door remains opened, a drawer can’t be opened or the other way around. Thus, it becomes all the more vital to sketch out the proper design beforehand so as to prevent this type of trouble. This will help precisely to figure out where each specific component should be setup so that each of them works in sync. Not only lengths and widths should be taken into account but also space for facilitating components to open and close and in its proper direction. Flexibility in dimensions and finishes is the major distinction between a modular and custom kitchen that can be attained on the whole.

Space for Refrigerator

In a modular kitchen, refrigerator many a times project out from the other kitchen furniture as they are quite taller.
Now, when you opt for a custom kitchen, you can build your kitchen cabinets in such a way that you can fit your refrigerator inside your cabinets (obviously, you’ll need to finalise the size of your refrigerator beforehand).

The Advantage of Custom Made Kitchen

Generally, when you custom make your kitchen, you can build each of the components as per your specific preference and accommodate each of your appliances fittingly. You’re not at all limited by cabinet’s size (which includes height, width and depth) – this precisely is the biggest advantage. You can optimise the available space so that you have a good amount of working and moving space in your kitchen.
